A friend was telling me about her daughter saying that she would never be able to accomplish something she wanted to do. She said things that all conditioned personalities are apt to say, like, "I can't do it, you know how I am." "With my luck, I'll never get chosen." "I know my limitations." My friend told her that 'to know your limitations is to get to keep them'.
It seemed to be a good description of the human condition. We could say, to know and believe, and even argue for, our limitations; to know, believe in, and argue for the manyness viewpoint, disease, ignorance, unhappiness, poverty, injustice and conflict, is to get to keep them. Of course, when they keep appearing, we also get to say, "See, I told you I always have bad luck.", "I told you I wasn't good enough to get the job", or whatever, and keep the self-fulfilling prophecy of "not good enough" alive.
Not consciously living our divinity as individual universal Mind, we are unconsciously going along with world beliefs and limitations, and living as victims of people and circumstances instead of as the generating Source of all that exists or seems to exist.
Andrew Cohen had this to say in "An Unbroken Universal Unfolding": "What I call 'the impersonal view' is what the enlightened perspective actually is. From the enlightened perspective there is only one human experience and that one human experience is recognized to be an impersonal affair, a universal unfolding. The impersonal view of life always sees through and beyond that which is merely personal. A perspective that is merely personal traps us forever in the deeply painful and never-ending melodrama of the separate self and inherently limits our ability to see beyond the illusion of independent self-existence. From the enlightened perspective, we see that it is the deeply conditioned, profoundly mechanical habit of personalization that creates ego, the psychological and emotional barrier that separates us from our own Self and the rest of life in every moment. That is why making the effort to see beyond a perspective that is merely personal is essential if we want to be free."
We sentence our Self to a life of half-hearted attempts and half-hearted results when we live as only a person instead of as Mind or Consciousness individualized. When we keep having ourselves personally on our minds and let the changing viewpoints dominate instead of impersonal thinking or Truth, we can't be surprised by any appearance based on personal sensing that Mary Baker Eddy called sin, sickness, and death. Margaret Laird talked about "the absurdity of what seems to be going on." She also said: "Language, the appearance world, appears to have substance but the appearance world doesn't really exist. It's a perception, a view without real substance."
The Mind we are individually being is the knowledge and wisdom of the ages that naturally knows the right thing to do at the right time and in the right way. When we get the limited personality's opinions and judgments out of the way and let Love, Mind, or the Universe run the show, a more fulfilling and satisfying life will be the result. The inexhaustible source of energy and know-how will be more and more evident in the proportion that we do.
There is nothing outside of Mind, our very own Mind, to restrict what can be done when we remember that Mind alone acts, feels, hears, sees, and is the sourcing and conditioning of the divine Human, the Wholeness, the Beauty and Joy that is always present ready to emerge as our conscious Awareness allows it.
Perfection comes to view one step at a time, or can appear without intervening footsteps, and on we go. It appears in the only way we can have it appear for the moment whether it looks like slow motion or immediate achievement.
Nothing can happen that we aren't being. It isn't what "I like or dislike", "I want or don't want", it's what I am being that moves mountains. 'They' or 'it' can't do, be or have what I'm not being. Without Me-Spirit, no world scenes, no life at all. "Without Me was not anything made that was made."
When it's said, "I'm always tired"; "Maybe someday I'll be able to do that"; "When my ship comes in, I'll be able to get what I need, or want", it's so easy to see how we are living our I - as one among many, not as the One being the many. The false sense of Self, or what is called the human condition, will continue to keep getting the expectations of the limited personality point of view. It will keep stuck the mistaken beliefs that are coming to the surface to disappear and reappear in more satisfying form as we allow.
Albert Einstein said: ?"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
With clear understanding or impersonal thinking, we will see and be the world we walk through as it really is. With no out-lining or dearly hanging on to the steering wheel and going in the same limited, bumpy and unfulfilling direction, we will be, and see, the forever eternal life of Now coming into ever clearer focus. Understanding is the I or Self of us. Self-fulfillment is always present, and Self-awakening or Self-remembering is all it takes to let it shine through!