Oftentimes we think that Mind is doing something, that Mind is aware of the human condition whatever that might look like in our individual experience. At times the human condition of an individual might appear to be a body in need of healing, or a human condition involving our business or our finances, or a myriad of other so called human conditions that appear as smoke screens to take our attention away from the one and only fact that "All is infinite Mind infinitely manifest." Mind doesn't do anything about anything. It just Be's itself. So the appearance of correcting or healing of the human condition is determined entirely by the degree that one is able to "leave the mortal basis of belief and unite with the one Mind," (MBE) and not by Mind doing anything to alleviate any condition that seems to confront us.
Mind's self/beingness is on-going and shows up in language called man and the universe or "the human condition." If Mind were doing something then it's product would have identity of its own. That product would be a created something. The word creation implies that some thing is made and given life in and of itself; something that has experiences, has form, outline, color and condition of it's own. Creation implies something born into a cycle of birth, maturity, and finally death. Such a cycle would be a pointless exercise. It would make Mind/God some capricious "personality" playing games to amuse itself much as the "Gods" of Greek mythology toyed and played with mortals.
Since Mind just Be's, then everything of which we are conscious as persons, places, things, experiences, and conditions is mental and is taking place at the point of consciousness. We must realize that our appearance world is acting, operating, and is tangible totally in/as the Self Conscious experience of Mind being itself being.
We must ask ourselves, "What am I accepting as the human condition?" We are tempted to believe that we are who and what we appear to be, e.g. a physical body with perhaps blonde hair and blue eyes who, when looking into the mirror says, "yep, that's me." In other words personal sense professes to be what it's own sense of man, as matter, appears to be. If that is the human condition then it's "of few days and full of trouble." It becomes a creation rather than the representation of Mind.
The human condition then is a matter of interpretation. Mrs. Eddy said, "When we subordinate the false testimony of the corporeal senses to the facts of Science, we shall see this true likeness and reflection everywhere. (S&H 516:6-8) Following that advice will reveal the real human condition. The real human condition is at once the human/divine coincidence. There is nothing in the human condition to get rid of or correct; it's simply a matter of interpreting the language correctly.
The job of the Scientific Metaphysician then is not to improve or bring about, through metaphysical treatment, a condition that more nearly coincides with our opinion of what the human picture should look like. It is to realize that the appearance of anything/everything visible is never material and outside of Mind's Self-awareness. When we impersonalize every appearance and view it through the "lens of Science" rather than through the "lens of material sense" then we are interpreting the human condition as it really is. Reality is allowed to define itself. At that point we refuse to get involved in the way the human picture looks and know that there wouldn't be a human picture or condition of any kind, however it looks without Truth for it's content. With that realization we are content to "walk on" safe and secure in the understanding that "Mind is the source and condition of all existence." (MBE)